Bear with me, I may actually have a point this time.
Shortly after the turn of the century, I spent a few semesters at the University of Florida. A not-insignificant portion of my time in Gainesville was devoted to keeping my head above water, financially-speaking, as I attempted to pay my own way through college. Though a portion of my tuition was paid by a state-funded scholarship, I was responsible for covering not only the remaining balance, but also my books, apartment, car, insurance, cell phone, food and entertainment. While this was indeed a beating -- and often a hindrance to experiencing the relatively carefree lifestyle that many college students enjoy -- it remains a source of personal pride to have carried the weight on my own.
Before moving to Gainesville, though -- and for the weeks between semesters -- I'd earned money slicing-and-imbibing behind a sushi bar near my hometown in the state's panhandle. Though it'd be a lie to say I was anyt...