I should warn you in advance: There is absolutely no point to this story. But I'm telling it anyway. One day, when I was in elementary school, my friend, Paul, and I ran into one of the older kids in the restroom. I’m guessing he was a 5th grader, and that we were in 3rd or 4th grade at the time. I don’t remember his name – assuming he ever divulged that information in the first place – but we’re going to call him John, primarily because this story is undeserving of anything better. And John was about to lead us temporarily astray. To clarify, by “us,” I specifically mean Paul and myself, as John would slither away undetected by those in authority. As far as I know, he lurks freely among the general public to this very day, and is quite likely a very, very big a-hole. Among his later transgressions, I suspect, were black market arms dealing, the inexplicable (and wholly insufferable) rise of Florida Georgia Line, and every time you've eve...